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The Open Accessible Space Information System (OASIS) website provides the richest source of community maps for New York City -- free and all in one place. It helps nonprofits, community groups, educators, students, public agencies, and local businesses develop a better understanding of their environment with interactive maps of open spaces, property information, transportation networks, and more.

The OASIS website is guided by a collaborative partnership of private and public sector representatives that seek to sustain an accessible information system that helps enhance the stewardship of open space so these areas are linked, diverse and sustainable for the benefit of all people, organisms, and ecosystems in and around New York City.
The purpose of OASIS is to:
  • Work together in harmony to support projects and initiatives that contribute to developing and sustaining an accessible, useable information system;
  • Provide leadership through facilitation of groups and ideas and build a team approach to developing the system;
  • Share existing resources, skills and expertise; and
  • Develop new resources to achieve the vision and ensure sustainability of the information system.