How to change your website's links to OASIS to work with the new maps (as of March 2010)
The Center for Urban Research has developed an easy way of updating your referring links so they work well with the new version of OASIS.

If you have a situation that's different than any of the following examples, please email us with your questions and/or feedback.

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  • Community gardens
    • We've created garden-specific URLs.
    • If your referring link used to look like this: (where the &... represents lots of other URL text),
    • Your new URL should look like this: (with no other text).
    • This example will zoom directly to the Hope Community's Modesto "Tin" Flores Garden, and display information about it under the "Location Report" tab next to the legend.
    • We also display this URL in the Location Report for each garden. So you don't need to know the garden ID; you can just click on a garden on the OASIS map, and we'll generate the garden-specific URL for you.

  • Tax parcels
    • You can also use shortcut URLs to zoom to individual tax parcels in New York City.
    • Let's say you're blogging about a vacant lot in your neighborhood that you'd like to convert to a playground. You've looked at the parcel on the OASIS website, and you've determined that the property is tax lot 8 in block 3019 (and it's in Brooklyn, whose borough code is 3).
    • So the boro/block/lot code for this property is "3030190008" (the 1st character is the boro code, the next 5 characters represent the block code with leading zeros, and the last 4 characters are the lot code with leading zeros).
    • The OASIS URL for this property would be
    • This will zoom directly to the parcel, and display information about it under the "Location Report" tab next to the legend.
    • We also display this URL in the Location Report for the tax parcel. You don't need to know the parcel ID; you can just click on a property on the OASIS map, and we'll generate the parcel-specific URL for you.
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  • Locations based on a street address
    • Using a similar process, you can create location-specific URLs for any valid street address in New York City.
    • For example, the address of the CUNY Graduate Center is 365 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
    • If you've tried this address in OASIS's address search box and it worked ok, then you could create a URL with the address + borough.
    • It would look like this: Fifth Ave, Manhattan
    • This will zoom directly to the parcel that matches this address, and display information about it under the "Location Report" tab next to the legend.

  • Customized maps
    • You can copy a location-specific URL for any custom map you make at OASIS.
    • Just zoom to the map, turn on/off the layers you like, pick the tab that you want (Legend, Location Report, Site Search), and click the "Link" item in the upper right corner.
    • A pop-up window is displayed with the full link for your customized map. You can copy it and tweet about it, post it to Facebook, add it to your blog or website, or email it to friends and colleagues.
    • You may want to use a link-shortening service like Otherwise the link can be long and cumbersome, like this:

  • [ ]

  • What else should we include?
    • The OASIS shortcut URLs will make it easier for you to zoom to specific locations on the OASIS map, "remember" and share those locations, and create your own search pages to access maps on OASIS.
    • If there are other features you'd like us to add to these shortcuts, let us know and we'll consider expanding this feature.

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